Files & Object Storage
Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft’s object storage solution for the cloud. Users can create data lakes with Azure Blob Storage to support their analytics needs, and it also offers storage so you can design robust mobile and cloud-native applications.
- Access to your Azure portal services
- Ability to create a Blob Storage
- Ability to update your Azure network firewall securely connects to your Azure Blob Storage. Using the form in the portal please complete the following basic steps:
- Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the 'Name/Alias' field, that is unique from other connectors
- Enter a Target Schema Prefix, a name which will be the prefix for the schema at the target destination to where your data will sync
- Enter in the Connetion String (SAS) URL field the Shared Access Signature (SAS) URL connection string you retrieved from the Azure Pre-Requisite Steps based in the Azure storage account where your files are stored:
- The URL typically starts with the storage account and other information related to the container, for example: https://<your_storage_account><container_name>?sp=....
- Enter any other optional details in the available fields (See the setup video if you need help or contact support)
- Folder Path, is a path on the root bucket from where desired files will be retrieved
- File Pattern, is a regular expression (RegEx) used to isolated only certain files to be retrieved
- File Type, allows for a pre-determined type of file extension to be retreived
- Click the Save & Test button. Once your credentials are accepted you should be able to see a successful connection.
Updated 12 Jan 2025
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