Operations Applications

Food Delivery Service Connector

5min is not affiliated with DoorDash® or GrubHub®. They both offer a corporate or business-to-business platform where employers can incentivize employees with a budget or line of credit from which to purchase meals. Extracting food delivery orders from the DD4W or GH platform and enabling analytics on employee behavior and key performance indicators, can help determine whether the program is effective, showcase on which types of days employees most order, and if employees consistently have order ticket dollar amounts higher than their budgeted amounts, etc.

Most of the data from your food delivery service is in a set of monthly .zip files (i.e.: only one CSV per zip file when extracted) from the admin panel of the account.

Setup Instructions

Data on budget spend or line of credit spend and other order details is only available for an account having the "Admin" role or privilege granted to it. This typically requires some form of authentication from Food Delivery Service Admin Panel. Each service varies on levels of access, etc.. If you need a walkthrough of how to use your Food Delivery Service please contact our support team.

Alternative Setup Instructions (If requiring manual approach)

You need to make sure that you:

  1. Download or otherwise obtain access to the monthly food delivery service orders data, usually manually and in the format of .zip files (only one CSV per zip file when extracted) from your account
  2. Extract all the CSV files from your downloads
  3. From here you can use our open source academic dbt model to explore the data
  4. Contact us if you need assistance


It must be noted that is not affiliated directly with any food delivery services. This concept is provided here as a non-commercial and academic reference. Please use your best judgement regarding accessing your data from any source systems or downloading information files on your organization's behalf.


If you need any assistance setting up or configuring your DD4W or GH integration please contact our support team.

Replicated Entities

The following table is typically available in your target since all of your data from the food service company is stored in a single file format there is only the one table for the analytics model to process: