


Informix is an IBM database that is used in a myriad of operations. Connect your IBM Informix database with to complete your data integration pipelines with no code.

IBM Informix Prerequisites:

  • Be sure to Our IP Grantlist / Whitelist our IP Addresses for cross network database server network access
  • Identify the IBM Server cluster details for later use
  • Consult with you IBM Informix administrator as needed on the setup:
    • We suggest creating a new read-only user and new role to delineate this user service account for from any other user access to your database, however, using an existing user and/or role is acceptable.
    • Create a Read-Only user in your server instance:
      • We suggest creating a new user specific to for read only access to your database(s), but you may already have an existing user in which case you can ignore this step:
        • CREATE USER datalakehouse_user PASSWORD tmp!Password;
          • Assign any privileges based on your structure to the new user
  • Identify the user name that will be used and save it for use when you create the new connection in the new connector form

Instructions (Basic Connection Setup)

Scroll down to ensure you review all steps, as needed...

  1. On the Connection Form :: Enter your Credentials and Other Information
    • Enter in the Name/Alias field, the name you'll use within to differentiate this connection from others
    • Enter in the Server/Host field, the name of the endpoint server name:
      • i.e.: Use the full server name/endpoint
    • Enter in the Port field, where this database is accessible and the firewall restrictions are open. The standard default port is always assumed which is standard but we have it here for future-proofing.
    • Enter in the Database field, the name of the database to connect
      • In most cases this is the DATALAKEHOUSE_RAW database
    • Enter in the Username/Alias field, the username of user you created in the steps above to give access to
      • In most cases this is the DATALAKEHOUSE_USER 
    • Leave Auth Type field alone. It is set to password because currently only uses TLS and requires username and password credentials to access the database
    • Enter in the Password field, the password for the user you created in the steps above
    • Click on Save & Test to save the connection and test that we can connect.
  2. If updating the form Click Save & Test or just Test
    • Clicking on Save & Test will again save any changes such as the password change, etc.  You will not be able to change the prefix of the schema that will be the target in the destination. Any test of the connection will attempt to connect to your database with the credentials and info provided.
    • A message of success or failure will be shown:
      • If success you'll be prompted with the schema objects objects of the database and will need to complete the final steps for configuration shown below.
      • If failure happens with the test connection, the connection is still saved but you will need to correct the failure based on the failure reason information provided in the message

Updated 16 Feb 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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