Operations Applications

Instagram Ads


Instagram Ads enables marketers to find the right audience for their advertisements through ads across Instagram. Instagram Ads highlights campaign data and where targeted customers interacting for highly effective marketing in order to calculate ROAS and other key marketing campaign spend metrics. brings your Instagram Ads data to your target destination of choice so that you can integrate campaign data, etc. with other data concepts in your CRM, ERP, and marketing automation tools for purposes of attribution, RevOps, or just historical tracking and storage of data.

Setup Instructions securely connects to your account. Using the form in the portal please complete the following basic steps:

  1. Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the Name/Alias field, that is unique from other connectors
  2. Enter a Target Schema Prefix, which will be the prefix for the schema at the target you will sync your data files into
  3. Enter a Customer Id, for your Instagram Ads account for which you wish to sync data
  4. Click the Authorize Your Account button. Once your credentials are accepted you should be able to see a successful connection, then you can Create a Sync Bridge

Supported Account types supports the following account types:

  • Business Accounts

Updated 14 Jul 2024
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