Operations Applications

ConnectWise - Manage


ConnectWise is a leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers, including ITSP and software for MSP's.

Connector Pre-Requisites

Connecting to ConnectWise - Manage, you need to make sure that:

  • You or the user configuring ConnectWise - Manage has administrative access to the cloud based application.

Instructions (Basic Connection Setup) securely connects to your ConnectWise - Manage system. Using the form in the portal after selecting this source connector, please complete the following basic steps:

Using the form please complete the following basic steps:

  1. Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the 'Name/Alias' field, that is unique from other connectors.
  2. Enter in the 'Target Schema Prefix' field, a name that will be unique in your target cloud warehouse destination database where you wish to land the data.
  3. Enter the 'Host URL' for this ConnectWise - Manage API integration
  4. Enter the 'Company Id' for this ConnectWise - Manage API integration
  5. Enter the 'Public Key' for this ConnectWise - Manage API integration
  6. Enter the 'Private Key' credential for this ConnectWise - Manage API integration
  7. Click the Authorize Your Account button which will save the connection.

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What is my ConnectWise Manage hosted?

The easiest way to determine this is by looking at the URL you use to access ConnectWise Manage. 

  1. Connect to CW Manage and login
  2. After you've logged in and are in the app, look at the URL and write i down.
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  • ConnectWise Cloud URLs
    • - North America
    • - EU
    • - APAC
    • - South Africa

If the URL is NOT listed in the above list, most likely you are considered "on-prem" for ConnectWise Manage and need to go to the next section below.

What if I can't find the URL?

You can also look within the CW Manage System module here which will show your URL is the format of connect.<companyname>.com

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Generate API Keys

In order to establish a secure connection to ConnectWise - Manage a set of API keys need to be created in ConnectWise.

Create an API Account

  1. In ConnectWise Manage, go to System > Members
  2. Select the ‘API Members’ tab
  3. Click + to add an account
  4. Enter “DataLakeHouse” in the Member ID field
  5. Enter “DataLakeHouse” in the Member Name field
  6. Enter "[email protected]" in the Email field
  7. Set the Department field to Admin or similar
  8. Set Name field
  9. Set Default Territory field
  10. Click Save
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Create a public and private API Key

  1. Select the ‘API Keys’ Tab
  2. Click + to add a new set of keys
  3. Enter
  4. Click save and capture the keys. The Private Key is only available one time so save this key!
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