Dropbox allows users to collaborate on files in the cloud. This includes file back up, sharing, and remote access at any time and from any location. The platform offers secure cloud storage and automatic backups for peace of mind.
DLH.io allows you to synchronize your files from your Dropbox account into your target destination of choice.
DataLakeHouse.io securely connects to your Dropbox account. Using the form in the DataLakeHouse.io portal please complete the following basic steps:
- Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the Name/Alias field, that is unique from other connectors
- Enter a Target Schema Prefix, which will be the prefix for the schema at the target you will sync your data files into
- Enter a Folder Path, where your files are stored that will be searched for retrieval
- Enter any other optional details in the available fields (See the setup video if you need help or contact support)
- File Pattern, is a regular expression (RegEx) used to isolated only certain files to be retrieved
- File Type, allows for a pre-determined type of file extension to be retreived (default is CSV)
- Click the Authorize Your Account button. Once your credentials are accepted you should be able to see a successful connection, then you can Create a Sync Bridge
Dropbox is available as a target destination.
Navigate to Targets and authorize your Dropbox account similar to how you would create a source connection.
Name the path of in your Dropbox account by providing the folder structure. Jinja is available to use in the folder structure name for basic Jinja instruction. Contact support for details on Jinja syntax available in the system.