Employee Pay Summary
For the Employee Pay Summary entity the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table is created in your Target connection. Depending on your business processes in how time entries are managed in Ceridian, you may see a trickle down effect in Target table. Below are steps to handle several situations that may be impacted by your Ceridian Dayforce processes.
There are situations where a person has issues punching a clock and the time recorded in Ceridian needs to be manually adjusted. It's possible these adjustments are made by a manager in Ceridian several days later in order to have accruate information prior to a payroll run.
By default, a Sync Bridge replicates the last 30 days worth of Employee Pay Summary records.
When this situation occurs, Ceridian does not provide a field in their API to indicate that a punch has changed and provides the updated record as a new record in the API. To account for this situation a Transformation needs to be created in DataLakeHouse.io in order to mark the __DLH_IS_DELETED flag to TRUE.
- Login to the Target destination and create a copy or clone of the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table. The example below is to create a clone of the table in Snowflake:
- Select the option for PRE-SQL
- Enter a PRE-SQL update statement such as this one below and then save the transformation
After you've entered the Pre-SQL logic:
- Complete the remainder of the required fields
- Save the transformation form
Next time the bridge runs and completes a load for the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table your transformation and the update statement will run prior to loading the data into your target schema.
When writing queries against the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table you may find that the total amounts are not matching the pay stub in Ceridian Dayforce. This is due to they fact that the Ceridian API is not providing a way to uniquely identify the records in this entity which causes the perception that there are duplicate rows. Since these are not duplicates the following pre-SQL Transformation needs to be created using the SQL below.
- Login to the Target destination and create a copy or clone of the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table. The example below is to create a clone of the table in Snowflake:
- Select the option for PRE-SQL
- Enter a PRE-SQL update statement such as this one below and then save the transformation. Replace the bolded text in the script below with your details.
After you've entered the Pre-SQL logic:
- Complete the remainder of the required fields
- Save the transformation form
Next time the bridge runs and completes a load for the EMPLOYEE_PAY_SUMMARY table your transformation and the update statement will run prior to loading the data into your target schema.