Operations Applications

Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams is a messaging app for your organizations, providing a workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, file and app sharing, all in one place, all in the open, and accessible to everyone. provides this integration in order for organizations to leverage analytically basic concepts such as who, what, when users scheduled or participated in meetings and events to help align these data points with other relevant business domain KPIs such as for sales, recruiting, product demonstrations, etc.

Setup Instructions

Remember securely connects to your Teams account instance by redirecting you to the Microsoft Teams authorization screen for you to sign in and authenticate your account. does not capture or store your password/credentials.

Using the form please complete the following basic steps:

  1. Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the 'Name/Alias' field, that is unique from other connectors.
  2. Enter in the 'Target Schema Prefix' field, a name that will be unique in your data cloud destination where you wish to land the data.
  3. Click the Authorize Your Account button which will transport you to the application login, where you will login with your account credentials.  Once your credentials are accepted and you allow to access your data, you will be automatically redirected back to this portal and you should be able to see a successful connection.

Helpful Troubleshooting Information

The following scenarios we've discussed with users of this connector which may help to understand how Microsoft Teams allows customer access to metadata and data access in general:

  • Can a user see meetings or meeting details if they did not create the meeting?
    • In this document from Microsoft,, we can see that access to meetings not created by the user authorized in the Teams connector will only be able to see meetings not created by them for 24 hours. Any meetings outside of this window may result in information not captured or possibily warnings thrown in the logs.
      Teams Attendance Report Note
      Teams Attendance Report Note
    • One option would be to create a connector for each user and only select certain entities for retrieval. Please contact support regarding this approach first.
  • What permissions are required for teams access?
    • The user creating the Teams connector should have the Teams Administrator permission
  • Where do Microsoft Teams go to update privileges and settings for granular access and control over the Teams application?
  • Warning messaging on various entities.
    • The following messages indciate that while a meeting was scheduled nobody attended the meeting:
      • Error occured while fetching - ATTENDANCE_REPORT
        • { "action": "DONE", "actionType": "RETRIEVE", "bridgeName": "SYnc Teams", "bridgeGuid": "2ba1bc573fe3415bb27719fee0a42482", "data": { "entity_type": "MICROSOFT_TEAMS_ENTITY", "entity_name": "ATTENDANCE_REPORT", "entity_step_description": "Error occurred while fetching attendanse report" }, "created_ts": { "seconds": 1696951020, "nanos": 0 }, "created_dts": "Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:17:00 PM", "customMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"General\",\"message\":\"User ID in token(6e338409-8a41-4bf4-8b04-22f036fad5d8) is not the organizer of the queried meeting.\",\"innerError\":{\"request-id\":\"8d5d4016-ea87-41df-aeb1-0dc8a7acd132\",\"date\":\"2023-10-10T15:17:00\",\"client-request-id\":\"8d5d4016-ea87-41df-aeb1-0dc8a7acd132\"}}}", "logLevel": "WARNING" }
      • Error occured while fetching - ONLINE_MEETING
        • { "action": "DONE", "actionType": "RETRIEVE", "bridgeName": "SYnc Teams", "bridgeGuid": "2ba1bc573fe3415bb27719fee0a42482", "data": { "entity_type": "MICROSOFT_TEAMS_ENTITY", "entity_name": "ONLINE_MEETING", "entity_step_description": "Error occurred while fetching online meeting" }, "created_ts": { "seconds": 1696951012, "nanos": 0 }, "created_dts": "Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:16:52 PM", "customMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"NotFound\",\"message\":\"An error has occurred.\",\"innerError\":{\"request-id\":\"af647ad8-ebd3-4b77-bbab-f4221d982631\",\"date\":\"2023-10-10T15:16:52\",\"client-request-id\":\"af647ad8-ebd3-4b77-bbab-f4221d982631\"}}} ::: Meeting URL :::$filter=joinWebUrl%20eq%20''", "logLevel": "WARNING" }
      • Error occrued while fetching - EVENT
        • { "action": "DONE", "actionType": "RETRIEVE", "bridgeName": "Sync Teams", "bridgeGuid": "993eb42e57c4441e99f61257346259c9", "data": { "entity_type": "MICROSOFT_TEAMS_ENTITY", "entity_name": "EVENT", "entity_step_description": "Error occurred while fetching event" }, "created_ts": { "seconds": 1685112931, "nanos": 0 }, "created_dts": "Fri, 26 May 2023 14:55:31 PM", "customMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"ResourceNotFound\",\"message\":\"Resource could not be discovered.\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-05-26T14:55:31\",\"request-id\":\"2c5fcfdc-43bb-4558-96e5-42422d6c3241\",\"client-request-id\":\"2c5fcfdc-43bb-4558-96e5-42422d6c3241\"}}}", "logLevel": "WARNING" }
    • The following error message indicates that the person who authorized the Teams Source Connector did so using a personal account. Updated to a work or school account in Microsoft Teams.
      • Error occured while fetching - CHANNEL
        • "action": "DONE", "actionType": "RETRIEVE", "bridgeName": "Sync Teams", "bridgeGuid": "993eb42e57c4441e99f61257346259c9", "data": { "entity_type": "MICROSOFT_TEAMS_ENTITY", "entity_name": "CHANNEL", "entity_step_description": "Error occurred while fetching channel" }, "created_ts": { "seconds": 1685112940, "nanos": 0 }, "created_dts": "Fri, 26 May 2023 14:55:40 PM", "customMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"AuthenticationError\",\"message\":\"Error authenticating with resource\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-05-26T14:55:40\",\"request-id\":\"40901727-e1b3-4982-af39-6ad8d957aaa5\",\"client-request-id\":\"40901727-e1b3-4982-af39-6ad8d957aaa5\"}}}", "logLevel": "WARNING" }
      • Error occured while fetching - TEAM
        • { "action": "DONE", "actionType": "RETRIEVE", "bridgeName": "Sync Teams", "bridgeGuid": "993eb42e57c4441e99f61257346259c9", "data": { "entity_type": "MICROSOFT_TEAMS_ENTITY", "entity_name": "TEAM", "entity_step_description": "Error occurred while fetching team" }, "created_ts": { "seconds": 1685112939, "nanos": 0 }, "created_dts": "Fri, 26 May 2023 14:55:39 PM", "customMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"AuthenticationError\",\"message\":\"Error authenticating with resource\",\"innerError\":{\"date\":\"2023-05-26T14:55:39\",\"request-id\":\"1c9d392f-7840-46eb-886d-6b123197f2af\",\"client-request-id\":\"1c9d392f-7840-46eb-886d-6b123197f2af\"}}}", "logLevel": "WARNING" }

Updated 23 Oct 2023
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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