Operations Applications

Twitter / X Ads

5min provides the best data synchronization process from X, also known previous as Twitter, into your Data Warehouse or Data Lake Storage so that you can integrate your other data and operational systems for an enterprise view of your organization.

Instructions (Basic Connection Setup)

Remember securely connects to your X account instance by redirecting you to the X account portal for you to sign in and authenticate your account. does not capture or store your password/credentials.

Connecting to X, you need to make sure that:

  • You have access to retrieve metadata from your X account with administrator permissions

Using the form please complete the following basic steps:

  1. Enter a Name or Alias for this connection, in the Name/Alias field, that is unique from other connectors.
  2. Enter in the Target Schema Prefix field, a name that will be unique in your data cloud destination where you wish to land the data.
  3. Select the Envrionment dropdown option :
    • Production
      • Use this option is the default. It should be used in just about every case.
    • Sandbox
      • This environment may not be available to you but maybe available if there is a support issue. Only use when working with the support team on issues.
  4. Click theย Authorize Your Accountย button which will transport you to the X login, where you will login with your account credentials. Once your credentials are accepted you will be automatically redirected back to this portal and you should be able to see a successful connection.

How to Video

coming soon...

Replicated Entities

The following X entities are available to be replicated to your target destination. These are the table names you will see:

  • ...





When the error message below appears this indicates that the username or password entered is incorrect. Please retype the credentials ensuring they are accurate

Document image

This error indicates that the Org ID that was entered is incorrect.

Document image
